How to use sweetfx 2015
How to use sweetfx 2015

how to use sweetfx 2015

When you use FXAA Ingame please diable it in SweetFX. I disabled SMAA because the Ingame font gets distorted. If you dont like the Stats in the upper right go into sweetfxfolder-> ReShade_settings.txt and change #define ReShade_ShowStatistics 1 to #define ReShade_ShowStatistics 0. You dont have to leave the Game for changing effects when you change the settings, just save SweetFX_settings.txt. Just play with the settings how you like it. There you will find the SweetFX_settings.txt file.

how to use sweetfx 2015

Now you have to go into the Age of Conan Directory an open the SweetFX folder. Now Reshade detects the Game mode (DX10/11 or DX9) and installs both in Game directory. Now in Reshade use select Game and point to the AgeOfConanDX10.exe (not the Patcher, for DX9 this one AgeOfConan.exe). Just download the latest beta ( I used Beta 0.13.0 with sweetfx 2.0 ) and run the Reshade Setup. I Tried it today and it is working really good.

How to use sweetfx 2015